Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: Since the 1905 Act did 1ou specify the price to be paid by settiers, &5 did the 1902 Act the Commissioner of Indian Affairs queried whether Congress intended that no price be paid The question was specifically stated in terms "whether the [1905 Act] repealed and superseded the [1902 Act]. Lands Commissioner emphatically answered that "such was not the intention of Congress but that homestead entries should be made subject the payment required [the 1902 Act] The letter spec ifically 1905 Interior Depart tnent Opinion. which stated, was the opinion this Depart- 1uatu that the condition exacting payment of homesteaders found in the Act of 1902 was not by its omission from the 1905. thus preserving the fund created under the Act f 1902 t I.D 306, 311 (1905) (emphasis addcd) We cannot now in 19 ...